Not just grantmakers
Change makers


Responsive Grants Program

Funding Priorities

Community Memorial Foundation’s grantmaking is governed by our designated funding priorities. Together, these priorities, and the programs which are funded to support them, advance the Foundation’s vision of transforming the Western Suburbs into the healthiest region in the country.

In 2025, Community Memorial Foundation will place priority on programs that meet the following strategies. Grant applications that address increased coordination and integration of health and human services and align with Regional Health and Human Services Agenda values will receive higher consideration.

  • Increase health equity by reducing the health, social and economic barriers to optimal well-being and quality of life, specifically race, gender identification, language, culture, (dis)ability, religion, national origin, age and ability to pay.
  • Ensure high-quality access to timely, affordable, physical, mental and behavioral, and/or oral healthcare services.
  • Provide services that address mental and behavioral health, and promote programs that reduce stigma for youth and adults.
  • Address the effect of poverty on health by providing for basic needs such as access to nutritious food, homelessness prevention, and promotion of self-sufficiency.
  • Ensure that residents are safe from interpersonal violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse and child abuse.
  • Enhance and expand knowledge of, and connection to, existing local resources, yielding more access to coordinated care.
  • Nurture the development of health and human service leaders in the region that are service-oriented, reflect the diversity of CMF communities, and advance the Regional Health and Human Services Agenda.
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